Using E-Zines to be Successful at Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is all about promoting the product. But it is not cold or hard selling. The affiliate lures the Internet user to visit his website by offering information and even free online courses. The visitor of the affiliate’s website will find the free information and will even enroll in the free online course. And while reading the informative articles, the visitor will slowly be convinced of the value of certain products.

And when the visitor realizes the value of certain products, he will most likely click the banner that links to the website of the merchant who manufactures the product or who officially sells the product. The affiliate does not do the direct selling. The affiliate simply sets the mind of the visitor, who is the target client, so that this visitor will be easier to convince to proceed to the purchase or order form of the merchant’s website.

Thus, for an affiliate marketing business to be successful, the promotional strategies carried out by the affiliate should also be successful. One that will contribute to the success of such promotion is the utilization of e-zines.

An e-zine is basically a newsletter which is emailed to the subscribers of the e-zine. This newsletter contains the types of information that the subscriber has already expressed a willingness to read about. And when an ad is placed together with such information, the subscriber will be made aware of the presence of the products promoted by the affiliate.

There are two types of e-zine ads that an affiliate can pay for. The first type is similar to a banner ad. It contains a couple of sentences composed of well-chosen words that will entice the reader to visit the website of the affiliate. An affiliate can easily write such an e-zine ad since he already has promotional materials for the products.

The second type of e-zine ad is called the solo ad. In such e-zine ad type, the newsletter being mailed to the subscriber contains only the advertisement of the affiliate and nothing more. Usually, such a solo ad is mailed separately from the regular newsletter. For example, if the newsletter is sent every Tuesday of the week, the solo ad is sent on a Thursday or a Friday.

There is no limit to the number of words placed in a solo ad. But the affiliate must keep in mind that such a solo ad is sent through email. Therefore, the solo ad should not be too long that reading it will take up so much time that the subscriber is not willing to sacrifice. The usually suggested number of words is 500.

With e-zine ads, the opportunities of earning more increase. And the affiliate moves closer towards that goal of affiliate marketing success.

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How to Use Ebay Classified Ads for Affiliate Marketing and Building Lists

eBay classified ads make up less than 1 percent of all listings on eBay. These classified ads show up alongside regular auctions and get just as much exposure as a regular auction except classified ads have a one-time fee, no final value fee, and runs for a minimum of 30 days.

In fact, if you still want to continue selling eBooks on eBay, it’s the only format in which you can still sell eBooks. But eBay classified ads are still very much under the radar and not utilized to their fullest potential.

The 2 best uses of eBay classified ads for internet marketers are list building and/or affiliate marketing. However, the rules of what can be placed in a classified ad are very vague, but you can still have things in a classified ad that you can’t have in listings that use other formats.

For instance, you can place links from websites outside of eBay with the item you have for sale, you can have an opt-in box in your ad to build your list, and often you can get away with having your email address in a classified ad.

As with everything on eBay, this too will be a numbers game. Obviously the more views your ad gets, the more opt-ins and/or sales you will make.

So the most important part of your classified ad will be your title. If people aren’t searching for the keywords that are in your title, chances are people aren’t going to find your ad or not many people anyway.

Another thing to consider with your title is how popular the keywords are in your title are; meaning are there a large number of people searching for that keyword or a small number. A way to find out what the popular keywords are on eBay is to check out eBay pulse.

eBay pulse tells you what the most popular searches are on eBay. But something I like even better than eBay pulse is the site at Although it’s not as up-to-date as eBay pulse this site goes into more detail about the most popular search terms on eBay.

With eBay classified ads the number of people viewing your ads is very important so using information from eBay pulse and ‘Auction Cloud’ can give you ideas of what you need to have in your title.

But to be certain about how many people could be potentially viewing your ad you should check out a few completed listings with the keyword(s) in the title. A lot of the completed listings will be 7-day auctions but by checking out how many views a few of those completed auctions get and multiplying that view count by 4 (4 weeks in a month; ads are 30 days) you get a rough idea of how many views your ad will get.

Ideally you want your eBay ad to get a few hundred views in a month’s time but a eBay ad can still be successful even if it doesn’t get a whole lot of views in the course of a month.

Real life example:

A guy named Warren decided to promote the ClickBank product ‘Fat Loss 4 Idiots’ using an eBay classified ad with 5 tips on “maximizing your weight loss goals” and an opt-in box that offered a FREE 2-week diet diary with tips if you signed up. The following are his results with the ad:

– 29 people opted in
– 6 sales

Total commissions earned: $207.18

A 30-day ad costs $9.95 not including extras like subtitle, bold, border, etc. There are 60-day, 90-day, and 180-day eBay ads but its recommended you test your results with 30-day ads first.

Also, something that gives you a competitive edge with your eBay ad is when you can find keywords to put in the title of your eBay ad that gets a lot of searches, thus possibly getting you a lot of views, but keywords in which there are not many results for, anything with less than 100 results is great.

In conclusion, eBay classified ads are a great way for internet marketers to build their list(s) and promote affiliate products but before doing that do a little bit of research and then try using an eBay classified ad.

How to Get Started in Earning Money through Affiliate Marketing

The best course of action to take sometimes isn’t clear until you’ve listed and considered your alternatives. The following paragraphs should help clue you in to what the experts think is significant.

Sometimes the most important aspects of a subject are not immediately obvious. Keep reading to get the complete picture.

Affiliate marketing offers earning opportunities, making it as one of the fastest growing industry in the World Wide Web today. It produces billions of dollars worth of income yearly. That is why many people are getting involved in it.

However, most of them are just getting into the jive of earning money without a concrete plan. You will have no strategies to be implemented, no guidelines to be followed.

In case that you are planning to get yourself involved in affiliate marketing, bear in your mind that it is a serious work. Though it is one of the easier ways of earning additional income, it still requires effort, perseverance, and a clear plan of action from your starting point up to the finish line.

To start things with, here are some of the elements that you need to consider in engaging yourself in affiliate marketing:

Having your little home office is the initial element that you need to consider in starting your affiliate career. Have your office workspace comfortable to work with. Make sure that it has enough illumination and your personal computer has enough ventilation as well.

You must have some basic knowledge of trading online. It is necessary to be well trained in order to achieve success in this career. In case you are still unfamiliar of the system, you can get the necessary training that you need.

You can start by looking for some affiliate-marketing professionals who already earned substantial extra income and let them guide you on the system. The Internet also offers different resources and conference timetables, which you can attend to learn.

Set a realistic target so that you can put the necessary plans to reach it. For instance, $1,000 is attainable if you are a first time affiliate marketer.

Since the popularity of affiliate marketing is increasing, it leads to an increase of earning opportunities. Now, you will ask yourself, “How will I choose the right affiliate marketing program?” and “Which of it will give me that good chance of earning a substantial income?”

The preceding sections can help you decide on those matters pertaining to affiliate marketing. These will help you evaluate different opportunities and saving your personal resources as well.

The Commission

Of course, that is the bottom line. How much will you earn from a sale? There is no point of endorsing a product or a service if you will not earn from it.

It will lead you in spending more on marketing it rather than making sales. Stick on a program that offers high commission values, possibly on a 50 percent basis.

Affiliate Marketing is The Best Leveraging Tool

Now, you know that if you want to create massive amount of money, you will need to use leveraging tools like internet, and the best in internet will be affiliate marketing. It is not enough if you just counting on your own effort. You only have 24 hours a day; you cannot spend all of your time building your list, writing sales copy, driving traffic to your website and start promoting your products. You are going to be crazy if you do all these by your own.

Did you know what leverage means exactly? Here is the meaning of leverage given by Robert T. Kiyosaki:

-In the broad definition of the word, the word leverage simply means -the ability to do more with less-. When it came to the subject of work, money, and leverage, rich dad would say, -If you want to become rich, you need to work less, and earn more. In order to do that, you employ some form of leverage.- He contrasted that statement by saying, -People who only work hard have limited leverage. If you’re working hard physically and not getting ahead financially, then you’re probably someone else’s leverage.- He also said, -If you have money sitting in the bank in your savings account or retirement account, then others are using your money as their leverage.-

Here is the solution, through affiliate marketing. With the help of affiliate marketing, you can achieve much more, because you are making use of other people’s energy and time to build up your online empire. The affiliate marketing I’m talking about here is not ordinary affiliate programs which earn you only once if you make a sale. What I’m saying here is that you should go for those affiliate programs that offer multi-tier income streams.

So what are this multi-tier affiliate programs all about? A multi-tier affiliate program works just like network marketing, the moment you make a sale, you are going to get your commission, besides that, the one who purchase the item from your affiliate link will becomes one of your affiliate as well. Meaning that if those who registered under you, they are going to work for you, you are leveraging on them. The moment they make sales, you are going to earn a small portion of commission. This is what a multi-tier affiliate programs are.

So now you know that you can make use of affiliate marketing to help you create your online income empire. You should start as soon as possible, because I strongly believe that internet will becomes more and more powerful, and most of us are going to make our purchase from the net in the future. Therefore, if you start now, you are going to be the one who dominate the market when the wave trend arrives. Of course, you must put in a lot of effort and determination if you want to success in affiliate marketing. Said is easier than done, thus, start taking actions from today.

Shawn Lim, an internet marketer who make money from the net. You can grab all the success tips and money making guides here, get your FREE e-Books that lead you one step forward to your dreams, The Millionaire Secrets. If you don’t act on this information today you may never get the opportunity to take this life changing step again. Just follow the link and start your new life today!

A Brief Introduction Into The World Of Affiliate Marketing

You may have seen on certain websites proposals for you to become an affiliate or to join up to a reward scheme. These adverts are designed not for customers or general end users but for website owners as a means for them to advertise their site through another website. This is known as Affiliate Marketing and has been around since the mid 90’s. Affiliate marketing is a mutually beneficial form of web marketing whereby both parties stand to profit if an end user clicks on a specific link.

The way it works is fairly simple: Say there are two websites: Website A and Website B. Website B wants to improve traffic using an affiliate program and so will ask Website A to display a link on their website that points towards Website B. Generally both websites will be in the same market selling similar products or services but will not be in direct competition with each other. Website B will profit from the increase in traffic to their site generated from the link that Website A has agreed to display, Website A profits by gaining commission for every time the link to Website B is clicked by an end user.

There are several different types of commission structures which include: Pay Per Click (Where for every click on the link Website A displays, Website A will receive a small sum), Pay Per Action (Where for every click and sale made through the link that Website A has displayed, a % of the final sum will be transferred to Website A) and Pay Per Lead (Where for every click on the link that Website A displays a new account is created, a pre determined sum will be transferred to Website A).

Before selecting which affiliate programme is right for you there are a number of factors to consider such as:

Choosing an affiliate that will divert relevant traffic to your website – There is little point in being involved in an affiliate programme if your partner website is not involved in the same line of business as you. For example if you are a jewellers selling jewellery online you would not want to be affiliated with a website that deals with say car maintenance or reparation as the traffic directed to your site will be totally irrelevant.

Choosing an affiliate that uses good SEO practices – The last thing you want is to have your reputation tarnished by an affiliate who uses unorthodox methods to gain traffic to his website.
Choosing an affiliate that has a high amount of traffic flowing their website – This may seem obvious but research needs to be conducted into how much traffic your website stands to gain by undertaking an affiliate programme with another website.

Choosing the right package – Whether it be Pay Per Click, Pay Per Action or Pay Per Lead, depending on the nature of your business it is vital to choose the right package for you that will increase your traffic while at the same time will limit your costs.