Why The Design Of Your Website Can Affect Your Affiliate Marketing Income

Affiliate marketing is just one of many ways you can make money on the internet. And just like every other method on the internet, there are ways you can increase your revenue. For affiliate marketing, the way you set up your website and design it can have a significant impact on the results you see in the end.

All of your income is based off of the affiliate link on the page. The way you make your money is by visitors to your site clicking on the link and purchasing something from the site. From there, you earn a certain amount of income based off of what the affiliate pays. Therefore, you want to make it as simple as possible for visitors to find and click on the link.

Because of this, you want to eliminate all of the clutter that is on your website. You want to keep the visitor’s attention with some graphics and banners, but do not go overboard. And try to make the link as accessible as possible as oppose to placing it in the very bottom right corner.

Another design tip that can draw the attention of your visitors to your affiliate marketing link s the font and color you use for the link. Make the link a different color from the rest of your content so that it stands out. Keep it professional, but it is worth looking at a bright font to really draw in the readers attention. Also, consider increasing the size of the link or bolding it. The easier it is for the reader to see from the rest of your content, the more inclined they will be to click on it.

A part of the design of your website includes the content that you provide visitors. Go to as many forums and blogs as possible and figure out what the people are looking for. By reading the questions and concerns people have, you can formulate content that will appeal to many. You can do this by writing articles, sending out a newsletter, and placing content on your home page.

Lastly, give the visitor’s a place to contact you with any questions or concerns they may have. Place a “contact us” button near or around the affiliate marketing link. This will, if anything, put the visitor’s at ease knowing you are there to assist them with anything they may need.

The design of your website and what you put around the affiliate marketing link can have a great affect on the income that you make. Your entire income is based off of people clicking on the link, so make it accessible and easy to find.